On Friday 18 and Sat 19 May, I was in Boston for the first
meeting of the Research Co-ordination Network on Sustainable Energy Systems, which funded by NSF and led by Tom Seager. The RCN includes
a series of internships for sustainability students in settings outside their
home discipline and will use a version of the Imitation Game method in order to
explore the extent to which being immersed in a different culture, if only for
a few month, allows students to develop meaningful levels of interactional expertise.
Martin Weinel and I were there in order to report on the
latest developments at Cardiff and to find out more about what the RCN version
of the Imitation Game will look like. This was the main focus of the
Friday, where we met the other participants in the Network and described our
research interests to each other. In relation to the Imitation Game, we learnt
that there are a couple of significant innovations being developed by the RCN,
namely that:
- The RCN version of the Imitation Game will use a Judge plus three other participants: a contributory expert from the target domain (a ‘positive’ control), a student or similar with no immersion in the target domain (a ‘negative’ control) and the student who has had the internship. The hypothesis is that, at the end of the internship, the judge should be able to order the participants and locate the intern’s level on expertise as being between that of the other two participants.
- The numbers will be relatively small, so statistical analysis of the kind we are doing at IMGAME will be inappropriate. Instead, the success of the internship program will be measured for the individual students in their performance in the Imitation Game. In addition, by aggregating the individual results, the proportion of interns who achieve this intermediate level of interactional expertise can be calculated, giving a measure of success for the programme as a whole.
The official RCN meeting on Friday was then followed on Sat
19 May by a workshop in which Tom Seager, Evan Selinger and others described
how they are using role-play games to teach ethics in relation tosustainability. This is of particular interest to Imitation Game project
as, like us, they are taking role play games that could (and have?) been played
in more traditional pencil-and-paper ways, and turning them into electronic
formats that can be adapted for a wide range of classroom contexts. The whole
set up was very impressive and provided plenty of food for thought about how we
might develop the Imitation Game and (in my other life) how we might teach
research methods differently.