We arrived back in Cardiff last night after yet another successful
IMGAME fieldwork trip. Local Organiser Zoltán Sallay did an excellent job recruiting participants, who almost all turned up, and we managed to complete the data collection phase is record time!
The topic for this set of Imitation Games was religion, with Pretenders given the task of passing as Christians. The results will be directly comparable with recent fieldwork at Cardiff, where secular students were also asked to pass as active Christians. We are still completing the final phase of data collection in Cardiff and will start this in Budapest after Easter. With any luck, we should have results to report at
SEESHOP in June.
Lastly, we must single out our tour guide, Martin Weinel, for exceptional work in finding excellent hotels. He surpassed himself this time with the
Gellert hotel, which includes entry to the Gellert baths as part of the room price…